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Will you guys like a map reset? Look for more info

Discussion in 'News and Announcments' started by winter4w, Feb 8, 2014.

  1. winter4w

    winter4w Owner Staff Member Owner

    So guys allot of people will like some of the servers maps to get reset since they have allot of items in it or most of the things are inactive. If you guys want one please tell me what server will you like a reset in.
  2. Rocky702

    Rocky702 Member Silver

    No reset In skyblock please
  3. Rocky702

    Rocky702 Member Silver

    If there is a reset in skyblock I will die
  4. winter4w

    winter4w Owner Staff Member Owner

    I am mainly looking at towny lol
  5. Rocky702

    Rocky702 Member Silver

  6. TheBeefyMiner

    TheBeefyMiner Member

    no don't reset towny
  7. FullmechafoxMC

    FullmechafoxMC New Member Platinum

    Resey towny but will our building stay or it be a full reset?
  8. winter4w

    winter4w Owner Staff Member Owner

    Towny everything will be reset so yea you will lose your building if it is on towny
  9. TheBeefyMiner

    TheBeefyMiner Member

    no don't reset
  10. FullmechafoxMC

    FullmechafoxMC New Member Platinum

    i wouldnt mine it but ill go with th majority on it :)
  11. Rocky702

    Rocky702 Member Silver

    Flllmechafoc why u want a map reset?
  12. TheBeefyMiner

    TheBeefyMiner Member

    i don't want to lose my stuff on towny so plz don't reset
  13. Rocky702

    Rocky702 Member Silver

    I agree but tho I don't play it the often I want to keep my dragon egg
  14. TheBeefyMiner

    TheBeefyMiner Member

    k well thatss good to know also want to raid with me on factions? i got a base we can raid and guess what its the base of a you tuber
  15. Rocky702

    Rocky702 Member Silver

    Are you asking me?
    If you are sure.
  16. looke39

    looke39 Co-Owner Staff Member Co-Owner

    Personally I think a reset on factions wouldn't be bad. There is a ton of mined out areas and a ton of blown up bases.
    FullmechafoxMC likes this.
  17. Rocky702

    Rocky702 Member Silver

    I don't play factions that much but looke has a good point
  18. FullmechafoxMC

    FullmechafoxMC New Member Platinum

    I agree we kinda ravaged the factions area Looke ;) hahaha
  19. Rocky702

    Rocky702 Member Silver

    Da truth!!!
  20. TheBeefyMiner

    TheBeefyMiner Member

    no don't reset my stuff in my enderchest and in my inventory

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