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Where do i apply for staff?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Catub, Sep 29, 2013.


Should i be staff?

  1. Yes

    1 vote(s)
  2. No

    3 vote(s)
  1. Catub

    Catub New Member

    I want to know where to apply for staff, if it Is, here is my application.

    In-Game-Name: Catub
    Why do I want a rank on animalcraft?
    Well, this server seems pretty organized, and They said they would be hiring staff the first 20 minutes I got on. I had an older account that I played on this server for a while, And I thought I would apply.

    Age: I am 11 years old, Bday is 8/26.
    What is my timezone and how long have I been playing?
    I am in the eastern time zone, and I have been playing animalcraft since... Well, today.
    Skype: Destroyer928343
    If you need anything else, contact me.
  2. winter4w

    winter4w Owner Staff Member Owner

    This is not the place to apply for staff and we are not looking for staff atm so there is no place to post when we are gonan look for staff I will open a place where people can post :D. This has been moved to General Discussion.
  3. SoullessSavager

    SoullessSavager Member Staff Member Moderator

    i dont know u so i wont decide :)
  4. SoullessSavager

    SoullessSavager Member Staff Member Moderator

    and also i thought u had to be 13+ to be staff :O
  5. mramerica108

    mramerica108 Member Staff Member Silver Youtube Co-Owner

    No idea! Ask winter
  6. SoullessSavager

    SoullessSavager Member Staff Member Moderator

    lol ok i will sometime lol
    mramerica108 likes this.
  7. DjDillyWilly

    DjDillyWilly Member

    What would make you a good staff member? just curious??
  8. winter4w

    winter4w Owner Staff Member Owner

    If you see the post to apply for admin that's where you post. If you don't see it then we aren't looking for staff so by posting in another topic is not gonna help you get it!
  9. Joshdaninja

    Joshdaninja Member Silver

    You can apply for staff buy going to the admin application part of the forums and you simply have to fill out the template!!

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