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We have a mumble server!

Discussion in 'News and Announcments' started by winter4w, Nov 1, 2013.

  1. winter4w

    winter4w Owner Staff Member Owner

    We now have a mumble server so people can now talk instead of type. You can join it by using this ip; mumble.animal-craft.net:4119. If you don't have mumble you can get it at {http://www.mumble.com/mumble-download.php} If you have any questions or issues please post them and I will help you :D
  2. baguy3000AR

    baguy3000AR Member

    Awesome now I can talk to people!!!! :D
  3. mramerica108

    mramerica108 Member Staff Member Silver Youtube Co-Owner

    Sweet! Now you can hear my disgusting voice! =D

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