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Tnt can blow up obsidian in factions

Discussion in 'News and Announcments' started by winter4w, Oct 4, 2013.

  1. winter4w

    winter4w Owner Staff Member Owner

    I have made it so it must take 4 TNT explosions at once to break obsidian. Tell me what you all think :D. If people don't like it then I can remove it. You can still protect your base with water. Post down what you think if I should go to make it so you need more TNT or leave it on how it is. :D
    DarkDestroyer228 likes this.
  2. dooder08

    dooder08 New Member

    Thats awesome better than 284 hehe
    DarkDestroyer228 likes this.
  3. DarkDestroyer228

    DarkDestroyer228 Member Steel

    OMG thank thank thank you you you soooooo much winter
  4. winter4w

    winter4w Owner Staff Member Owner

    Anytime :D:D
  5. DarkDestroyer228

    DarkDestroyer228 Member Steel

    The only thing now is hacks though winter.. U need to do more research on like nodus kick or any client patch plugins
  6. DarkDestroyer228

    DarkDestroyer228 Member Steel

    Thats something we can use im not pointing fingers but alot of people use it
    eallen42102 likes this.
  7. eallen42102

    eallen42102 Member

    First off nodus will never be updated. Second I like this feature of TNT vs obsidian. It makes factions. More challenging .
    DarkDestroyer228 likes this.
  8. DarkDestroyer228

    DarkDestroyer228 Member Steel

    Can you please tell me if that includes in side of water?
  9. DjDillyWilly

    DjDillyWilly Member

    Everyone better get their water buckets ready! :D

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