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Factions Reset Poll

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by looke39, Mar 28, 2015.


Should Factions be reset?

Poll closed Apr 4, 2015.
  1. Yes, Factions should be reset.

    2 vote(s)
  2. No, Factions shouldn't be reset.

    1 vote(s)
  3. Doesn't matter either way

    2 vote(s)
  1. looke39

    looke39 Co-Owner Staff Member Co-Owner

    So a few people have brought it to my attention that we should possibly reset factions, while we could just flat out do it we want to know the input of the community.

    -Staff Management
  2. Antineutron

    Antineutron Member

    I would suggest removing shop too but I think thats too far...

    When animalcraft was cracked it was better before shop was added, I could explain why but it takes a lot of time to type all that...
  3. Kerochii64

    Kerochii64 Admin, Veteran Player Staff Member Admin Steel

    Yeah, in cracked when shop was added, people went nuts with money (as did I thanks to Ghost). Especially the beacons. The economy was brutal haha-
    I would also suggest removing shop or downsizing it to keep items around such as food or records (for fun I guess because it's not like anyone's ever seen me hit Looke over the head with one xD) or just basic items for selling and harder to get items at a higher price. After all, you could never have too much dirt~ ;D
  4. Antineutron

    Antineutron Member

    As soon as anything is avaliable in shop Mine part of Minecraft becomes meaningless. Not even mentioning that if someone somehow gets a lot of money they will break server economy.
  5. Kerochii64

    Kerochii64 Admin, Veteran Player Staff Member Admin Steel

  6. looke39

    looke39 Co-Owner Staff Member Co-Owner

    The thing is I could see it being useful to get items that just are laborious to get, like once you're late game its nicer to just buy things like stone and wood and that stuff.

    -Staff Management
  7. Kerochii64

    Kerochii64 Admin, Veteran Player Staff Member Admin Steel

    I used shop in cracked as a quick way to get logs (wilderness was a destruction zone) and to sell materials.
  8. easports12345678

    easports12345678 Member

  9. Antineutron

    Antineutron Member

    More votes for reset than keep. Unless idc ones matter.
  10. Kerochii64

    Kerochii64 Admin, Veteran Player Staff Member Admin Steel

    Reset it is then I guess

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