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Eallen42102 For Admin

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by G_man1771, Oct 16, 2013.

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  1. G_man1771

    G_man1771 New Member Bronze

    Eallen42102 would be an excellent admin, everyone likes him, i dont know anybody that dosent like him.
    he is very helpful to the new people on the server and to others that have been on longer than him. the point is that you should promote eallen42102 as an admin.

    eallen42102 likes this.
  2. winter4w

    winter4w Owner Staff Member Owner

    This is not the place to post this so it is moved to the General Disscussion. About this, I only pick the staff that best fit and not by who people like. Thanks for helping eallen but it is all about how he will fit to be a staff and how he is on the Animal-Craft Network Community.
  3. baguy3000AR

    baguy3000AR Member

    I dont think he should be staff he is super rude to me and not kind !!!!
  4. eallen42102

    eallen42102 Member

    As are you baguy
  5. baguy3000AR

    baguy3000AR Member

    I am doing ok how about u ??
  6. DarkDestroyer228

    DarkDestroyer228 Member Steel

    Please don't argue on a post? Start s conversation.
  7. chiise

    chiise Member Bronze

    This is funny let them go!
  8. baguy3000AR

    baguy3000AR Member

    I am not I am just doing what everyone else is :D:D
  9. DarkDestroyer228

    DarkDestroyer228 Member Steel

    Ok ill let it happen i don't care :p
  10. mramerica108

    mramerica108 Member Staff Member Silver Youtube Co-Owner

    Please stop arguing on this post guys.
  11. eallen42102

    eallen42102 Member

  12. winter4w

    winter4w Owner Staff Member Owner

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