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Can't Resolve Host-name Fix

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by winter4w, Oct 7, 2013.

  1. winter4w

    winter4w Owner Staff Member Owner

    Ok some of you guys have been getting Can't Resolve Host name or something like Unknown host. I will explain the steps that you need to fix the issue.

    Make sure you have entered the ip address right. Try entering it like this mc.animal-craft.net. If that does not work try mc.animal-craft.net:25565. If that does not work then it is something wrong with your DNS settings. To fix this go follow the the info: https://store.opendns.com/setup/. Pick what OS you use and follow what they say. If it still does not work then I am not sure what the issue is.

    We are not responsible for anything that you do to fix this. Use this at risk!!

    Post if this worked or you need any help about this.
  2. DjDillyWilly

    DjDillyWilly Member

    This worked for me thanks winter!!
  3. winter4w

    winter4w Owner Staff Member Owner

    Glad it helped :)

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