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Baguy3000ar to be banned

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by eallen42102, Oct 14, 2013.


Should baguy3000ar be banned

  1. Yes

  2. Yes

    0 vote(s)
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  1. eallen42102

    eallen42102 Member

    Everyone who had pictures and videos and screenshots of baguy3000ar being: creepy, rude, sexually inappropriate, or anything that could be considered cyber bullying or sexual harassment please post it here. Keep in mind this is not a post to argue for him. This is just for proof against him.
  2. baguy3000AR

    baguy3000AR Member

    Is this allowed because I have done nothing wrong in the server ....
  3. eallen42102

    eallen42102 Member

    Did I not say that you aren't supposed to defend baguy3000ar. This is just showing what you've done wrong or rules you've broken. Please do not post on this post again.
  4. baguy3000AR

    baguy3000AR Member

    I followed the rules
  5. eallen42102

    eallen42102 Member

    I told you to not reply. Please do not reply.
  6. baguy3000AR

    baguy3000AR Member

    I am just saying the truth
  7. eallen42102

    eallen42102 Member

    An I'm asking you to not post here.
  8. baguy3000AR

    baguy3000AR Member

    Why scared that people will believe me I am just saying...
  9. eallen42102

    eallen42102 Member

    Stop dude. This thread is not for you to defend yourself. Of you want to do that goto another thread.
  10. baguy3000AR

    baguy3000AR Member

    No I wont because I am not immature and make people look bad.
  11. eallen42102

    eallen42102 Member

    So why do you call people retards and nerds and losers.
  12. pokie3

    pokie3 New Member

    Eallen, it sounds to me like you are a little kid that needs to get over this, if someone is bothering you just ignore them don't go and post a thread that means nothing to show your immaturity.
  13. winter4w

    winter4w Owner Staff Member Owner

    This post is now locked dew to not respecting players!!!
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