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Discussion in 'Ideas and Suggestions' started by eallen42102, Oct 14, 2013.

  1. eallen42102

    eallen42102 Member

    There should be some sort of decent award for voting for this server. It would encourage new members and old to vote because they would get an award. This would get more people on the server.
  2. winter4w

    winter4w Owner Staff Member Owner

    There is a reward
  3. eallen42102

    eallen42102 Member

    150$ is not much of an award. Something like a set of armor or a stack of food and stone tools. Most servers voting rewards are something like that.
  4. winter4w

    winter4w Owner Staff Member Owner

    If you vote on all the sites you almost get 1K I wont make it to high or the economy will get out of hand.
  5. eallen42102

    eallen42102 Member

    I'm just saying. 150 is not something that will make people want to vote for a server.
  6. winter4w

    winter4w Owner Staff Member Owner

    People ask how to get money it is a simple why if people will like it increased then I will increase it
  7. DjDillyWilly

    DjDillyWilly Member

    I think there should be a limit for voting for the server like twice a day. every time you vote you get two diamonds and $100. now thats a good idea :)
  8. eallen42102

    eallen42102 Member

    I think this is a good idea. Users get a decent reward and it encourages voting.
  9. winter4w

    winter4w Owner Staff Member Owner

    Ok I will see about giving people diamonds. The only thing is on each site they vote they will get a diamond which can break the economy and make diamonds more common! I might be able to do something different tho.
  10. Strikeboba

    Strikeboba New Member

    I personally think 1 diamond and 100$ would be great if you were to allow users to vote on all sites. Not only does it make it so everyone can at least get a reward like a piece of diamond armor but also makes it so people aren't getting too much for what they pay for. And you must keep in mind, not everyone votes. This is good for balance and reward in my opinion,
  11. winter4w

    winter4w Owner Staff Member Owner

    I do see the good side of this and I might do it just to see how things work out. When people go vote it moves the rank up so more people will join. I will do a announcement when this is done :D I will still keep the price at $150 tho.
  12. DjDillyWilly

    DjDillyWilly Member

    Well why not one Emerald then?
  13. winter4w

    winter4w Owner Staff Member Owner

    They are easy to get .....
  14. DjDillyWilly

    DjDillyWilly Member

    lol idk winter
  15. winter4w

    winter4w Owner Staff Member Owner

    What will you want if you voted ????
  16. DjDillyWilly

    DjDillyWilly Member

    umm. I would like to get some diamond stuff thats why i said tht lol

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