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Admin application update

Discussion in 'News and Announcments' started by winter4w, Aug 14, 2014.

  1. winter4w

    winter4w Owner Staff Member Owner

  2. Rocky702

    Rocky702 Member Silver

    You have to be 15 :( of corse :p
  3. Rocky702

    Rocky702 Member Silver

    Winter will there be mods on the server?
  4. winter4w

    winter4w Owner Staff Member Owner

    Not unless we get allot more people on.
  5. Rocky702

    Rocky702 Member Silver

  6. Rocky702

    Rocky702 Member Silver

    Guys let's get this server to have a lot of people on it

    Tell all your friends that play mc
  7. Rocky702

    Rocky702 Member Silver

    Winter will there be any expections on the age for admin?
  8. MsPinkCrafter

    MsPinkCrafter New Member

    I don't know what winter is thinking but i'm pretty sure 15 and up because we cant have little 12 year olds being staff on the server. We need someone mature enough to handle situations.
  9. Rocky702

    Rocky702 Member Silver

    I mean like the age of 14 close to 15 or like have a mod and a mod can be a test for admin to make sure someone is right for the job
  10. MsPinkCrafter

    MsPinkCrafter New Member

    I guess there can be some exceptions, like you maybe. You're a trusted player (in my eyes) that has been on the server for a while.
  11. Rocky702

    Rocky702 Member Silver

    Yeah but at the end of the day it's winters choice
  12. winter4w

    winter4w Owner Staff Member Owner

    @MsPinkCrafter is right. If you have been with the server for a long time and know allot about servers and are really mature you do have a chance but it is not that high. I dont mean to offend any of you younger people there but we have this limit for multiple reasons. Even if there is a mod rank that comes out we will have similar limits on it as we have on admin.
  13. Rocky702

    Rocky702 Member Silver

    Okay sounds cool

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