4453221 :P
Hi there, the shop is broken on sky block.When i go to buy some glass or something i don't get it please fix this i need to be Mr.Money man! $$$$
My friend connorduff got banned from the server for saying 1 word without warnings 2 years ago...
winter i was in a conversation with you and you didn't get it or smoothen .... or idk but i did it before the contest was up but today is the day...
I can't get my pets couler and size....
i have bin on the server for about 2 years now
i will share screen i guess
found them all winter get on Skype i am bad at sending (you know)
i am still here :D
ok and winter DO THE LIVE STREAM!
:( i will not be......... V.I.P i got it for my sis berthday and .... WAAAAAAAAAAAA:( and i love this server........Goodbye V.I.P i will miss u a...
congrats deef.
Make a command block when people join it needs to say "Welcome to Animal Town click on clock to get started" or something like that
ima win!
IP: mc.animal-craft.net
Teamspeak 3 IP: ts3.animal-craft.net
Separate names with a comma.