1. Donations are needed to help keep the server alive. If you will like to donate go to http://buy.animal-craft.net to see the donor ranks. If you have any questions about donating post on the forums.

AnimalCraft Network

by winter4w at 12:00 PM
(8,785 Views / 0 Likes)
Welcome to the contest. In this contest you will need to build an advanced parkour. You and your friends can all join in and help out with the project. (Please note that the owner of the plot will be the one getting the prize.)

  • If you already have a parkour map you are allowed to use that
  • You can only submit one parkour map from one plot
  • Friends are allowed to help but you must be the owner of the plot and the one who submits it
  • You must be the owner of the plot otherwise your submission will be deleted.
Friends and helpers:
You are allowed to have friends and people help you but only you will get the reward if you win. You also must be the only one who will submits the build and that you are the owner of the plot.

You must only submit one plot.

How to Submit:
Once you are done stand in your plot and stair at the build. Then type this command /contest submit

The judge will be:...
by winter4w at 7:08 PM
(1,384 Views / 0 Likes)
We have our team speak 3 server back. To join the ip is ts3.animal-craft.net. Don't have teamspeak yet download it here:http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads
by winter4w at 1:46 PM
(1,364 Views / 0 Likes)
We now have a firework show in the hub. Be sure to check it out. On rare times there will be allot of fireworks going off :D

2014-07-03_23.16.23.png 2014-07-03_23.16.26.png 2014-07-03_23.17.03.png 2014-07-03_23.17.04.png 2014-07-03_23.17.06.png
by winter4w at 11:17 PM
(3,383 Views / 1 Likes)
We have now added global chat. To go on the global chat do /netchat and to go off it just do /netchat again. We have plans on maybe changing it up a bit but for now this is how this is how the plugin will work. Tell us what you think about it.
by winter4w at 11:51 PM
(1,413 Views / 0 Likes)
Well guys as you can see so far our servers have been growing and getting more traffic every day. We have added a lot of fun and cool features to the server. We have added npc's in the hub so it can be easy to open a server menu or just to make the hub look cool. We have added a lot of maps to SkyWars and we have fixed a lot of bugs the server has had. We also have been working on towny and getting it ready to open up so everyone can have fun and hop on to join a town. Post what you all think of the major changes and if you like them or not.
by winter4w at 8:11 PM
(2,459 Views / 0 Likes)
We have been uploading alot of maps that people have made from the community. Be sure to tell us how the maps are and if you will like to make your own be just tell one of the staff and they will let me know. Maps can be made on single player but if they are made on the creative server we can easily set it up and get your map on SkyWars within minutes.

by winter4w at 3:43 PM
(2,410 Views / 0 Likes)
We have now opened towny to closed beta. In closed beta all donors and some users were picked to test out the server and look for bugs. The spawn is still a work in progress. We still have allot to work on before we open it up to open beta. All closed beta testers will need to report any bugs that you see on the server to us so we can fix it. If someone uses a bug for cheating there will be removed from the closed beta and banned from the server! We will soon open a log showing on what we need to get done with the server before it is ready to be open. Comment on what you think!
by winter4w at 6:00 PM
(1,432 Views / 0 Likes)
So as you all know we haven't been doing any updates to SkyWars such as kits or new maps and features. Since we have a bigger build team we should be able to add more maps in for you guys to make it more fun. If any of you guys have ideas for kits please post it in this post and I will be happy to add them. We have seen a growth in SkyWars much bigger than our hunger games game we had. We have decided to add a feature that the hunger games server had and allot of people are requesting for me to add. This feature is the spectate mode. On the SkyWars server you can now spectate your friends who are in a game.

How to spectate?

Glad you asked. To spectate all you do is /spec on. This will show a list of all the people who are on. Once you click there head it will teleport you to them and you can fly around and watch the battle.

The battle is over how do I get out of spectate?

Well it is not as hard as you think. All you need to do is /spec off and it will...​
by winter4w at 2:16 PM
(1,648 Views / 0 Likes)
Ok guy we have been working hard on towny. We are happy for those of you who are helping us build the spawn. The server we have plans on going in closed beta. When the towny server is on closed beta only a few people and all donors will be able to join the server. When it is in closed beta there will be bugs and we will need the people picked to find them and report it. The spawn will also still be in progress of being built so we will have most of it done but will still need to finish up the shop and some parts of it. All builders will be able to be on but there will have creative since they are helping out with the spawn. The dates of closed beta starting is down below. This date may change depending on how things are going.

Closed Beta: 6/21/2014
Open Beta: 7/18/2014
All is ready: Unknown
by winter4w at 12:52 AM
(3,983 Views / 0 Likes)
Well most of you know that mojang has added to their EULA on how we should be running our servers. They state that we should not be giving perks to people when they donate. By doing this will cause most if not all servers that are runned by there community support will die. We are joining the protest on spigot to help fight this and allow our server to have the freedom. The time this will start is Sunday June 15th, 5PM EST. On that time the server will be whitelisted for 2 hours. This whitelist will display this message

MojangAB has recently begun to change their EULA to conflict with how the server community runs, making it impossible to put out store items / donation ranks, making it where we won't be able to pay our server bills, because of this we will be white-listing for two hours in protest to this conflicted change, help us voice our opinion to MojangAB tweet @MojangSupport

We will be happy if you have a server and join the protest also. Info on the protest is...