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Discussion in 'News and Announcments' started by winter4w, Aug 11, 2015.

  1. winter4w

    winter4w Owner Staff Member Owner

    So we have changed allot of things around the server. Down below is the list of stuff we added!

    1. We now have global /msg. So you no longer have to be on the same server to message someone. We have also added the /ignore command. So if someone is bugging you in a private message do /ignore <name>. If they continue to bug you in the normal chat screenshot it and post it on the forums for review.

    We have added a gamemode called Solar Survival. The sun has gotten close to the world and is burning it up. Your mission is simple to Survive. Use what ever resources are left to survive.

    3. New Survival spawn

    We have added a new spawn to survival. Be sure to tell us what you think of it :)
  2. Tod_Verratern

    Tod_Verratern Member

    The new survival spawn is lacking in detail, and is quite dull. I preferred the more colorful housing area, as it made it harder for people to run/ender pearl into spawn to avoid death.

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