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Survival Server - Grief Prevention

Discussion in 'Ideas and Suggestions' started by OGLRedrumJ, Sep 3, 2015.

  1. OGLRedrumJ

    OGLRedrumJ New Member

    I was browsing around and noticed a good plugin that could be used on the survival server to help prevent griefers. I do noticed that CoreProtect is installed but that is for after the grief happens. This plugin will allow players to claim there land with a Golden Shovel. that should be given to them in either a kit or when they join the game. The more this player plays the move claim blocks they earn, here is a link to the plugin, works with CraftBukkit and Spigot servers.

    CraftBukkit: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/grief-prevention/

    Spigot: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/griefprevention.1884/

    Thank you O great ones!
  2. Antineutron

    Antineutron Member

    Griefing is intentionally allowed.
  3. Kerochii64

    Kerochii64 Admin, Veteran Player Staff Member Admin Steel

    As DM (Antineutron) said, griefing is intentionally allowed. The goal of the server is to survive, which means taking resources from the world and everyone around you. The only places we don't permit griefing are spawn.

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