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Sky Wars Suggestion

Discussion in 'Sky Wars Disscussion' started by mramerica108, Nov 25, 2013.

  1. mramerica108

    mramerica108 Member Staff Member Silver Youtube Co-Owner

    I have been playing skywars a lot, and let me just say, I'm loving it! However, after playing for a week and a half, I have seen things that could be improved. Here is a list of a couple of things that could be improved:

    -When the player first spawns, in that chest, there should be no ender pearls. The reason for this, if a player spawns in with three, they can go to each island, kill everyone in the first minute. I don't think its fair for the players who did not randomly revive the ender pearls.

    - However, you could spawn the ender pearls in the middle, for people actually have to work for the middle. Then they can teleport and do what they want.

    -Regarding bow and arrows, sometimes arrows only spawn or only the bow spawns in the chest. I think both should spawn together, if one does spawn.

    Thats all I have for suggestions at this time, let me know what you guys think!
  2. winter4w

    winter4w Owner Staff Member Owner

    I cant control what chest they spawn in but I can control the change that it will be spawned. I am looking for people to make some arenas that are bigger so it will make ender pearls allot more balanced.
  3. mramerica108

    mramerica108 Member Staff Member Silver Youtube Co-Owner

    Once I finish that secret project, wink wink, I will work on some arenas.
  4. winter4w

    winter4w Owner Staff Member Owner

    ok lol XD
  5. looke39

    looke39 Co-Owner Staff Member Co-Owner

    I'll work on one in my spare time when I'm not working on other stuff.
  6. winter4w

    winter4w Owner Staff Member Owner

    That will be great.
  7. theepictreecat

    theepictreecat New Member

    i could help build arenas. I'm only building a skyblock empire right now so i could help if wanted
  8. winter4w

    winter4w Owner Staff Member Owner

    Ok what you need to do is make a single player map and build it in a flat world in creative. Use beacons as the sky block and make sure there are no double chest. Once you are done post a download link on the forums :D
  9. theepictreecat

    theepictreecat New Member

    how do we make it available for down lode. I have never done it
  10. winter4w

    winter4w Owner Staff Member Owner

    Use a site like dropbox or just drag the file in the chat box and it will upload it
  11. theepictreecat

    theepictreecat New Member

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