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Server population:

Discussion in 'Ideas and Suggestions' started by Kerochii64, Sep 3, 2015.

  1. Kerochii64

    Kerochii64 Admin, Veteran Player Staff Member Admin Steel

    As a dedicated member of this server and experiencing it as a player first hand, I know the cracked AnimalCraft was never empty. I always had someone on with me. Donors weren't even common.. This server sadly doesn't have that kind of luck, and well I have some of my two cents to share.
    Basically I believe in a reward system. As a player I know voting for the server should come with a benefit for the owner and user. I have a few ideas:

    For all servers we have ever had running on the network (doing that because of traffic changes),
    I have a few ideas.

    -Those who vote once get WorldEdit for 6 hours. This will increase by an extra 6 hours for a secondary vote. Time should last for 12 hours maximum a day. [Two votes max. per day]
    -If possible, access to /i, however that will require a bit of negotiation.

    -People who have the most votes within [set amount of time by OWNER] recieve a special kit.
    -Extra homes.

    -Currency rewards: 4 votes maximum a day earns you $1000 in-game currency [that's $250 per vote].
    -Access to spawners in shop? (From what I know, I believe you can only purchase them off admins.)

    I'll need to think on those ones.

    -Currency rewards: read up.
    -Additional town resources.
    -A warp maybe only accessible to voters? This will need negotiation.

    -Currency rewards: read up.
    -Reward blocks, mainly diamonds or TNT.
    -A special warp to a cheaper shop?

    These are just some ideas. Please comment below as to your opinions on it :)
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2015
    OGLRedrumJ likes this.
  2. Antineutron

    Antineutron Member

    Cracked was never empty because there are a lot more cracked players than premium players.

    I dont think players should get items for voting on survival, something like more than 3 homes would be better.
  3. Kerochii64

    Kerochii64 Admin, Veteran Player Staff Member Admin Steel

    good idea. And yes, I know that.
  4. Tod_Verratern

    Tod_Verratern Member

    I'll need to think on those ones.
    Maybe use the "Noob" kit for a set amount of time for voting?
  5. winter4w

    winter4w Owner Staff Member Owner

    I have been looking for a plugin that does this. The issue is that if they vote on 5 sites they will get the reward 5 times. I am looking for something that they must vote on all 5 sites to get the reward. I will say recently we have been having allot more people on :D so I think the traffic issues are getting resolved :)
  6. Kerochii64

    Kerochii64 Admin, Veteran Player Staff Member Admin Steel

    Yep. I know in my cracked days I also played on a server that had that kind of system you're looking for. I just hope to god it's still up so I can ask the owner :)

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