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Problem with the warning system..?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tod_Verratern, Sep 24, 2015.

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  1. Tod_Verratern

    Tod_Verratern Member

    Sour_skittlez7 has only 1 warning, and 4 bans related to disrespectful comments/swearing, which the next ban will be permanent

    Afonsokiller295 has had made sexual references/comments in chat, threatened to hack, and has claimed to have hacked (3 warnings). He has been banned only 3 times, and I am not 100% sure what his next ban will be.

    T_Rex34 has gotten 2 warnings, and 2 bans.

    Tourex has gotten 1 warning, and 1 ban.

    Easports has gotten 4 warnings, and no bans.

    6985jjorda has no warnings, and 1 ban.

    Vaderdawg has 1 warning and 1 ban

    I have 3 warnings, and 2 bans

    Antineutron has a warning for "Deleting items from a higher staff member". I don't know the situation, but sounds like he was doing his job if he was deleting items that were from a staff member.

    I counted notes as warnings (Unless they were something that isn't really something that can be warned for, such as the "64 year old man looking for young chicks" note) as that is pretty much what they are being used for at this point. "Not being so kind" would be something that people should be warned for.

    This was just to show how this system is not very organized. Everything from August was included, as that was when people started getting punished. Maybe something should be done, considering someone who got 4 warnings does not have a single ban, yet someone with 1 warning is facing a permanent ban..

    It just don' make sense bruh
  2. Kerochii64

    Kerochii64 Admin, Veteran Player Staff Member Admin Steel

    Actually, it is three bans. I didn't delete the previous ban in case staff needed to view it, but rn it's three because I banned her for too long and so I unbanned and rebanned, which made it four. That's on my end.
  3. Kerochii64

    Kerochii64 Admin, Veteran Player Staff Member Admin Steel

    Also punishments vary through what the circumstance is. You think we'd let an advertiser get off with a tempban? Noooo.

    As listed above, Sour has THREE bans, as the second listed one was a cancelled ban.

    Afonso threatens, but he hasn't actually hacked. He's just a bloody grumpy kid, and I take it seriously, but he knows he shouldn't. If he doesn't know that, then by all means we will ban him. Otherwise, he's being warned to stop. Believe me Tod, we have had our share of hackers and we know what we are doing with him.

    Rex is constantly told to stop swearing and being inappropriate. We do have various punishments but this is his second warning, so he doesn't require a permanent just yet. Same applies to Tuorex.

    Due to database reset, EA has less bans. Believe me there. Also, the majority of his record is associated on his alternate account.

    Jorda is never on, and when he is, he only complains about the server. Or his rank. Anything, really. (Sorry to him if he reads this but I'm just being honest; it's all I've seen lately from the guy.) I do not know much about his ban, as I was inactive.

    Vader was swearing and Winter chose to ban him. You also have to realise that warnings and bans aren't applied at the same time or by the same people. We all choose individually as to how we punish the person. Me for example, I choose to ban when they're clearly not listening about being warned enough. I apply warnings on forums only, because it's the only punishment I can perform other than thread deletion.

    As for you, that was the other staff's member's chosen punishments. But hey, you're on your second warning.

    I can explain DM's record because I witnessed.
    Looke was using a powertool to force tp me to her to annoy me. DM decided to clear her inventory (I'm unsure if she was also tping him.) and she didn't tolerate that.

    The comments section is for staff to read back on when necessary. It is actually a rather important tool in our network for us, especially when choosing staff. Also, I have noticed some comments were even listed as warnings. Unless that's just me.

    I'm actually unsure about the warning to ban ratio considering I do not use it. You can inquire on the matter to another staff member. As I stated, we choose punishment individually and that is why that ratio is a bit of a mess.

    If it makes things easier, I warn people in-game, and if they don't listen (especially after three times) I will tempban. Three tempbans is a permanent ban.

    Also, to anyone wondering about permanent bans: the first unban can have an appeal from the banned player. Any other permanent bans afterwards, you will have to pay $5 to actually be unbanned.
  4. Tod_Verratern

    Tod_Verratern Member

    By your logic, me saying I will ddos some kid is okay because I don't have anything to support my claim. Threats should be taken a lot more seriously than that. And he has done it more than twice.

    The ban system was reset. It does not matter what they had previously done, what matters is what they have currently done. You pretty much told me staff are punishing people based on past experiences, and you are basing the punishments on the alternate accounts off of what happens on the main accounts.

    Looke shouldn't be be trolling people, nor would I consider that anything punishable if a staff member is harassing a player. If you didn't consent to it prior, and you told her to stop and she didn't, Anti did the right thing. But that's just me.

    The comments section is used for staff to read back on when it is necessary, yet you told me that stuff don't use it for bans, so the only thing it is used for is pretty much Staff Applications.

    The warnings system is in place to warn people. There should be no need for verbal warnings, as warnings don't actually do anything. Also, the way I look at it, your chastising them on their first 3 offenses. An analogy of it would be basically you being a police officer, and a guy who broke the rule is speeding. Don't you think the guy is still going to get a ticket for speeding despite it being his first time doing it? He will still get punished for it, yet you seem to lightly rap the ruler across his knuckles.

    There should be a ban ratio, considering someone who has sworn a lot has 4 bans, yet someone who has lied to staff, said inappropriate things in chat, caused fights in TS, and was not being nice to people got off-scot free.

    Warnings don't do anything if you don't use them..
  5. Kerochii64

    Kerochii64 Admin, Veteran Player Staff Member Admin Steel

    In looke's case, I never told her to stop. I was completely fine with it.
  6. Kerochii64

    Kerochii64 Admin, Veteran Player Staff Member Admin Steel

    We are also not basing punishments off the previous database.... otherwise a good handful of people would be permanently banned as it is now.
  7. looke39

    looke39 Co-Owner Staff Member Co-Owner

    Tod by your logic then all the comments you make to people are harassment and you should be banned. That is basically what you are saying in a nutshell. Jade wasn't bothered by the powertooling and dm was just warned about doing that kind of stuff nothing more and nothing less. The warning system has effects off the server that players don't notice because we talk about this kind of stuff in our staff chat. Warnings are taken seriously and do matter. Also if you read sours record she has three bans that count. One ban was removed due to a error and is not counted on the record. With Ea he has been banned a number of times. He just has none currently after the reset. There are other factors that come into play as, like the users history as well as what rule they broke. Spamming the chat and making a threat to ddos the sever are treated differently and have different overall punishments.
  8. Tod_Verratern

    Tod_Verratern Member

    You are contradicting yourself. "There are other factors that come into play as, like the USERS HISTORY." Using that specific word, being "History", means you just admitted you do base it on things prior to the ban reset. And just in case, here is the definition of History: "The whole series of past events connected with someone or something."
    And Sour is still getting banned for doing less. Afonso has more warnings, and the same amount of bans of which Sour has. Why is it SHE gets permabanned next time she does something?

    Even what Jade there said my point. People are using Comments as warnings, instead of just giving them a warn. And yet again with the basing things off of things prior to the ban reset. Sure, it may be important when selecting staff, but you are still undeniably basing things prior to the ban reset.

    Harassment was something I have not been warned for. I have been warned for "Cussing in public chat", "Saying inappropriate things in chat", and "A warning about the way he acts on TS". If you really wish to claim something, then be diplomatic. And about DM being warned about that stuff, You're head staff. Set an example for the new ones, it is your job after all. Screwing around and trolling is pretty much throwing it out there as "It is okay to do this", even if Jade was not bothered by the powertooling.

    This post even proves your intentions were ill, as you were purposely trying to annoy her.
  9. looke39

    looke39 Co-Owner Staff Member Co-Owner

    Comment warnings/Warnings given in the chat are easier and can be done much quicker. As well as the matter that the staff member is physically telling them what they did wrong. With the history we don't go off old records as far as deciding the punishment. A users history dictates more so what is known for causing issues and who isn't. This provides us with background on some of the players. You haven't been warned for harassment that is true, however with some of the comments you have made it could have been a few warnings and a few bans with the volume as well as the severity. The people I troll are the people I know and they understand what I'm doing as well as do it back to me. There isn't a use that I troll that I'm not on good standings with. I wasn't tping dm he was messing withme but it went a bit far and that is that.
  10. easports12345678

    easports12345678 Member

    Tod I like how you are trying to get me banned HA whats funny is I havent been on the server in a wile. I found my old buddy AKA Enemy on some other server so you myfriend need to chill your pills mannnn
    Rocky702 likes this.
  11. Kerochii64

    Kerochii64 Admin, Veteran Player Staff Member Admin Steel

    Did you know that players have a brain? Like seriously dude, not everyone we deal with is 7 or something. If people like you actually knew the veterans, this used to be a hellhole of a server. A never empty one, sure, but a buttload of trolls and hackers. If you want to complain that Looke's small powertool game is overthrowing the whole server network and disrupting our player's logic, then by all means do so. It won't help.
  12. Rocky702

    Rocky702 Member Silver

    Ea I need you back in my life
  13. Rocky702

    Rocky702 Member Silver

    Yeah I mean Looke just plays around with the power tool. It doesn't bother the people she does it to. She's done it to me but it's not a big deal. All I am saying is that the new ban system is better than the old. The staff knows what they are doing and that's what matters. I you don't get it then don't worry about it.
  14. Tod_Verratern

    Tod_Verratern Member

    I don't appreciate your sarcasm, and even then, trolling is trolling which should be dealt with. Also, instead of attacking players, be diplomatic. And actually talk about the topic. I could care less about what happens to you or your girlfriend as I don't value either of you as much in my head anymore; so leave your issues out of the current situation and stay on topic.
  15. Tod_Verratern

    Tod_Verratern Member

    The main reason I made this post is because it isn't organized, as you can tell above. Their little "Incident" was just another thing I discovered, and they are getting upset because I provided the information that it could be classified as abuse. Even then, all they are saying is "It isn't abuse, I am dating her so it is okay".
  16. Rocky702

    Rocky702 Member Silver

    If the staff know how to work it and deal with it why does it matter?
  17. Kerochii64

    Kerochii64 Admin, Veteran Player Staff Member Admin Steel

    You see, everyone involved in what you call an abuse matter was DM, Looke and me. All staff. If there was an actual problem with what we were doing, we are capable of solving it ourselves.
  18. Tod_Verratern

    Tod_Verratern Member

    It matters due to the fact that it lacks real integrity; Someone could easily loophole things. Even though the staff can work it, some day it will fall apart on them
  19. Kerochii64

    Kerochii64 Admin, Veteran Player Staff Member Admin Steel

    How many years has it been? 3? 4? Still hasn't fallen apart on us.
    Rocky702 likes this.
  20. Rocky702

    Rocky702 Member Silver

    I think are staff are smart enough to make sure it doesn't. They make the decisions about how to run the server so let them be.
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